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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How can I reach you?
Please contact me, Colin Ware, Foundation Gift Planning advisor, at colin.ware@imail.org or 303-257-2082. I look forward to hearing from you!
Why should I give to Intermountain Foundation?
Your generosity—along with that of our other friends and supporters—makes possible the programs, projects, and initiatives that are the hallmarks of our mission. You get the personal satisfaction of furthering our work, and you also make a personal statement about your values and ideals, help create a better world, and leave a lasting legacy. Learn more about what your gift will actually accomplish here.
What is the best way to give to Intermountain Foundation?
There are many ways to give, and the best way for you may differ from the best way for someone else. You can write a check or pay by credit card. You can transfer stock, bonds, retirement plan assets, or real estate—often with tax advantages. You can make a gift that costs you nothing right now, such as a gift in your will or naming us as the beneficiary of an IRA, life insurance policy, or financial account. You can make a gift that secures a lifetime income stream for you and/or others. We’ve made it easy to explore various gift opportunities here.
How does a gift in my will work?
A gift in your will lets you plan a gift now that will be completed sometime in the future. It costs you nothing today, and you can change your gift during your lifetime if your needs or circumstances change. Simply designate in your will that at your death, Intermountain Foundation will receive a specific amount or property, a percentage of your estate, or even what remains in your estate after all other obligations have been met. You can easily add a gift to an existing will by using a codicil. For more information about this popular way to give, including a free Will and Estate Planning Guide, click here.
What if I’m still having trouble determining the best gift for me?
Every situation is different, and sometimes the best fit isn’t immediately clear. We are always here to help! We would be happy to send you more information, run calculations that may bring clarity to your decision-making, or schedule a confidential conversation. Please reach out here.
Can I designate how my gift will be used?
Yes! An unrestricted gift goes into our general fund to support our overall mission. However, you can choose to direct your gift to a certain hospital, clinic, program, area, etc. Simply specify your wishes in a letter of intent, create a Memorandum of Agreement, or write it in the memo portion of your check. Learn more about making your gift more meaningful here.
I'd like to make a gift, but I’m not sure this is the right time.
We value your support! We encourage you to explore the website now so you can be aware of your gift options when the time comes. You may be interested in easy ways to make significant gifts that cost you nothing today. Read more here, and please contact us if you have any questions specific to your personal circumstances.
Where can I find language for my will or trust?
When making a gift in your will or trust, the exact wording is important. We have language you can share with your estate advisor here.
Legal name: Intermountain Healthcare Foundation
Legal address: 36 S State St, 8th Floor, Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Federal tax ID number: 80-0225150
Contact Us
Colin Ware, CFRE MBA
Foundation Gift Planning Officer
Intermountain Foundation
C: 303-257-2082
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