Heroes Like You
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Who makes our mission possible? Heroes like you!
Being a hero doesn’t require rushing into a burning building to save lives. When you give your assets to support our mission, you become a hero—at least to the people whose lives are changed by our quality care and cutting-edge research.
What does a hero look like? Here are just a few of the supporters who have helped us change lives.

Lee Jackson: Bronco-Bustin' Benefactor
Lee Jackson was a Utah cowboy and a self-taught machinist who was always willing to lend a helping hand. Before passing away in 2017, Lee arranged his affairs to provide for his wife and also for the children at Primary Children’s Hospital.
Lee was known throughout his community to be hardworking and unpretentious. He was always doing something, whether farming on his land in Monroe, Utah, or building surgical equipment for the University of Utah. He lived in a trailer in South Jordan for many years and, before moving to Monroe, had a large machine shop on his land.

Lee Jackson rides Strawberry. 1967
As a young man, Lee rode broncos, and he loved to hit the road on his motorcycle. He met Rosalie, the love of his life, while buying parts for his bike. Because Lee was grounded and unassuming, Rosalie didn’t know if he had a dime to his name until they’d known each other for several years.
Rosalie loved to work in her yard, and Lee loved to be out there with her. Over the years, they planted hundreds of trees and plants on their farm. They truly loved working together in the dirt.
Rosalie’s four daughters were already grown when Lee came into their lives. His stepdaughters loved him and filled his life with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. His granddaughter, Sherry Anderson, says, “He came into our family late, but he had a huge impact on every family member. We all loved him.”

Rosalie and Lee Jackson
After both Lee and Rosalie passed away, it was revealed that Lee left more than a million dollars to the Primary Children’s Medical Center to help with the hospital's greatest needs.
Keeping the gift to himself was classic Lee. He was an intensely private person who did not want to draw attention to himself. “He just wanted to do something for the kids,” according to his friend and lawyer, Tom Bowen.
Lee grew up in Salt Lake City and participated in the Pennies by the Inch Program fundraising campaign when he was a child—something most Salt Lake school children of his generation remember. He expressed gratitude that at the end of his days, he would make a sizable donation to the cause that he supported as a child.
His family says, “He just felt the need to help others, especially children.” He has completed that task, in life as well as in death.

David Bloom: The Power of a Lasting Connection
David Bloom's career trajectory led him to a fulfilling path in healthcare finance—and Intermountain Health was a big part of that journey. He is honoring that impact with a sizeable bequest in his estate to the Intermountain Foundation.
David started his investment banking career in New York, and eventually landed in San Francisco, where he worked for well-respected firms like Wells Fargo and J.P. Morgan. He became a specialist in healthcare finance.
One of David’s early clients was Intermountain Healthcare system. He worked directly with then CFO, Bill Nelson. That relationship with Intermountain was a key to David’s success. The system has always had a strong reputation for outstanding financial management in the healthcare and financial communities, and Bill was highly respected. Intermountain’s reputation helped open doors for David, leading to work with some of the largest systems in the country. It was, as he says, a real resume builder.
This success not only propelled David's career but also solidified his admiration for Intermountain's mission and dedication to patient care. Alongside his wife, Sue, they actively support Intermountain through both philanthropy and board service.
Despite living in Northern California, David demonstrates his dedication by attending nearly every Salt Lake Valley Philanthropy Board meeting. Their giving prioritizes research and health equity, and a significant estate gift is an important part of their planning. As Dave explains, a planned gift through his trust allows them to make a substantial contribution without impacting their current lifestyle. He can play all the golf he wants, comfortable that he will be leaving a significant legacy with Intermountain.
David Bloom's story exemplifies the power of a lasting connection. His dedication to Intermountain transcends financial support, reflecting the profound impact the health system has had on his life. Through his ongoing commitment, David is helping ensure Intermountain's continued pursuit of groundbreaking research and exceptional patient care for generations to come.

Sue Fachini: Finding a Place to Make a Difference
When Sue moved to Billings in 2008, she purchased a home on Locust Street, a few blocks from St. Vincent Healthcare. She needed something to keep her active and one day walked over to St. Vincent, met the volunteer director, and signed up to volunteer in the Gift Shop. From there, Sue has volunteered in multiple roles at St. Vincent, helping with everything from the No One Dies Alone Program, to the Befriender Ministry, and wherever she can help.
Sue has a B.A. in Criminology and pursued graduate studies in Theology. Sue retired from the Portland Oregon Police Bureau in 2008. The final seven years of her career were spent in the major crime / sexual assault division. She shared stories of elder abuse and child abuse that she investigated as a detective; and found, after seven years in such intense service, was burned out and ready to retire. After Sue’s parents passed away, she felt she no longer had an anchor holding her in Portland. Also, as a city, Portland had become too large and congested for her. Sue often visited this area on fly-fishing vacations and decided to relocate to Billings when she retired.
After 30 years of police work where she experienced the worst of humanity, Sue is proud that she continues to have faith in humanity. She did not let her experiences in police work taint her view of the world or enjoyment of life. Even though she experienced anger and bitterness, she still cares deeply about others. And Sue is always looking for a place to make a difference.
Sue’s Catholic faith is very important to her and has influenced her volunteering and giving. Because of her faith and devotion, Sue became interested in the Spiritual Care programs at St. Vincent Healthcare. After volunteering with the Chaplains and the Spiritual Care Team, Sue decided to leave her entire estate to St. Vincent Healthcare Foundation and the Spiritual Care Department. She was able to see firsthand the impact they have in the lives of the patients they serve and wants her legacy to live on through their legacy.

Dorothe Fisher Honors Her Goddaughter’s Memory Through Generosity and Service
When Dorothe Fisher was asked why she desired to leave her estate to St. Vincent Healthcare Foundation, Dorothe quickly replied, “It is all because of Zoe.” Dorothe was there when Zoe was born and served as her Godmother. When Zoe was tragically injured in a car accident and later passed away from her injuries, at just three years old, Dorothe saw the devastation the accident had on her family, and everyone close to her. Dorothe also saw the tremendous impact healthcare has at times like this – in times of great need and crisis.
As Dorothe contemplated how she could make a difference and honor Zoe’s memory, she knew it would be through generosity and service. Dorothe explained that generosity and giving back is so important. “If you’ve got something… God gave it to you… but not to keep. I’ve been blessed in so many ways. It is my turn to make a difference for others.” In addition, Dorothe said serving others has been important to her as a longtime volunteer. Dorothe asked, “If we’re not here on Earth to serve — why are we here?”
Dorothe will celebrate her 98th birthday this fall. She currently volunteers one day a week in the store at her residence. Dorothe shared that her dad was in inspiration to her. “He never took a day off and was always there to help anyone.”

Lydia Stratford: An Endowment to Benefit Children
Lydia Stratford graduated from St. Vincent Hospital’s School of Nursing in 1939. Throughout her years of nursing at St. Vincent Hospital, she always wanted to help children. They were at the heart of her service. Through the years, she saw many children who could not get everything they needed. She wanted to leave a legacy that would benefit children and honor her School of Nursing experience.
Lydia took advantage of the Montana Endowment Tax Credit with an endowed gift. This means that in addition to the regular federal deduction for a charitable gift, donors receive a 40% credit on their Montana taxes for the charitable portion of the gift. Additionally, as an endowed gift, the benefit becomes a legacy that continues benefiting others forever.
Lydia passed away in 2015, leaving an endowment behind her that will forever benefit children. In her honor, her two daughters have continued her legacy! Every year, on Lydia’s birthday, Linda Larsen and Diane Stratford honor their mother by growing the impact of her endowment.

Contact Us
Colin Ware, CFRE MBA
Foundation Gift Planning Officer
Intermountain Foundation
C: 303-257-2082
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